Steáfán & Saskia
To listen to Debut album Moorchild, and new music for soon-to-be-released 2nd album, click on Bandcamp.
Saskia from the UK, & Steáfán from Ireland, moved to Canada in 2007 with 3 children and over 800 instruments! After 22 years of playing together, and many sessions under their belt for other people, Steáfán & Saskia released their first duo album called “Moorchild”.
Between them, Saskia & Steáfán have played with thousands of artists both live and recorded, including Uriah Heep, Loreena Mckennit, Bjork, Depeche Mode, The Band of Hope (with Martin Carthy and Dave Swarbrick), SinÉ , The Afro-Celt Sound System, Oliver Schroer, David Newland (for his project Northbound Passage), and most recently Sultans of String, George Crotty, Robb Johnson, Kim Doolittle, Shannon Linton and Medusa.
Both were inducted into the Music Hall of Fame in 2022 by Comhaltas for services to the preservation of Irish Traditional Music in Canada. Steáfán is currently the Comhaltas representative for North America.
They have been session musicians on TV shows which include Relic Hunter, Earth Final Conflict, Murdoch Mysteries, Copper, Cabinet of Curiosities (Del Torro) and Friends (the one with Ross’s Wedding). Together they worked on developing the Celtic music for the hit Broadway show “Come from Away”.
Steáfán is the author of bestselling books “The Bodhran Book” and “The Low Whistle Book”. With his other hat, Steáfán is a TD and sound/lighting tech for theatres (and a very useful person to have around). For his website, click HERE
Click here for show-reel and other live videos on YouTube.
Find us on FB.
All tracks below from our album Moorchild, all 12 tracks available in their entirety. plus a few others on Bandcamp.